JSGC Podcast

IT Support During the Covid-19 Pandemic: LDPC Part 2

JSGC Episode 17

The conclusion of a two-part series, this episode features an interview with Brent McClintock, executive director of the Legislative Data Processing Center. The LDPC is legislative service agency which manages IT throughout the capitol complex.  Topics covered in this episode include: LDPC's response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the importance of cyber security for state government offices, and agency's role in PA's redistricting process.

More information about the LDPC can be found at its website: http://www.paldpc.us/Home

The 2015 JSGC report on cyber security can be found here.

Music provided by Joseph McDade.

Music by Joseph McDade. Visit us at http://jsg.legis.state.pa.us/