JSGC Podcast

Reforming Pennsylvania Election Law: Part 2

JSGC Episode 21

This is the second episode in our election law series featuring the JSGC Podcast crew's discussion with Yvonne Hursh. As we introduced in Part 1, Yvonne is the project manager for the Election Law Advisory Board which releases annual reports on ways to improve the Pennsylvania Election Code. In this episode we discuss pre-canvasing, balancing accessibility with voter ID requirements, the process of training election officials and poll workers, and the constitutionality of mail-in ballots.

One-page summaries and copies of the inaugural and second annual ELAB reports can be found on the JSGC website.  More information on the ELAB, its authorizing act, a list of board member, and recordings of past meetings are also available.

Music in this podcast provided by Jospeh McDade.


Music by Joseph McDade. Visit us at http://jsg.legis.state.pa.us/